Brand strategy | Visual and verbal identity | Marketing strategy | Collateral development
Unlocking the commercial growth potential
It stands to reason. If leaders with the same background make decisions through the same lens, they will get the same outcomes. Where are the fresh ideas? The different outlooks? The challenges to tradition? Where’s the change?
BeOnBoard brings the diverse talent they’ve coached and nurtured to boardroom tables. They connect businesses who are ready to embrace new ideas with the people who have them. Those who have a hunger for growth and innovation, and not just from an equitable standpoint, but from a commercial one. It’s just better business.
Talisman Sparro's contribution to framing BeOnBoard's next stage of growth has been hugely helpful. Their professional aptitude, rigorous challenge and due diligence have helped us shape a proposition that is market fit and commercially rooted. Talsiman Sparro worked as a very collaborative and effective partnership with BoB and their commitment to delivering a fully rounded, 360-degree perspective was evident at every stage of the process.
— Kalpna Woolf, Founder BeOnBoard
Preparing for growth.
BeOnBoard had operated as a project under TBIT for five years, but recognised the need to make significant changes if they were going to have the type of impact they knew they could.
To do this, we worked with the team to incorporate the business, to develop the commercial model and supporting sales tools, and to evolve their brand strategy to attract their next stage of clients and achieve greater scale and impact.